Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

8 Adar 5762 - February 20, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Purim Torah -- In all Seriousness
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Greetings, rosh yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik. I would like to ask you about the rumors regarding Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik . . .

Sorry to interrupt you, but I'm in a hurry. I have to get to one of the branches of the yeshiva.

Fine. I'll try to keep it short. Maybe you can start by telling us a bit about Ovos Ubonim, the tremendous project that runs year-round. How did it get started?

The idea for Ovos Ubonim took shape ten years ago in Gateshead, England thanks to a Jew by the name of Yechiel Cohen. Once his father HaRav Yisroel of Jerusalem came for a visit and saw a sight he never dreamed he would see in our generation. He decided that the idea must be brought to Eretz Yisroel and five years ago the first branch was opened in the home of the Ansbacher family of Bayit Vegan.

Within two weeks' time the group was forced to relocate to the local Beis Haknesses HaGra. The project then began to spread like wildfire, first in Har Nof, then Ramot, Ezras Torah and beyond, until all of Eretz Yisroel was like a bonfire of Torah! And the flames of the bonfire sent warmth and light to the whole world!.

I can see you're quite excited about it. Tell me, when was Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik founded?

2474 years ago.

No, really.

Absolutely! Twenty-two thousand children gathered to learn with Mordechai HaYehudi in Shushan in the year 3288 forming the first branch of Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik.

But wasn't this the first and the last branch of the yeshiva?

Chas vesholom! As Purim 5759 was approaching I wanted to try to renew the yeshiva in Jerusalem's Ezras Torah neighborhood. I was convinced there was no reason why the yeshiva should not succeed on Purim Day itself. I knew of places where it had been a smashing success, at the initiative and with the encouragement of HaGaon Rav Mattisyahu Solomon, now the mashgiach of Lakewood Yeshiva in New Jersey.

What was the initial reaction to the idea?

Boys to sit and learn on Purim instead of playing? If that really happened it would be a Purim miracle in its own right. But at midday on Purim hundreds of fathers and sons learned for a whole hour!

How did you reach every town and village?

With a lot of siyata deShmaya. It spread from one place to the next until it became a badge of honor for a beis knesses to have Ovos Ubonim operating there. Ovos Ubonim does not belong to any one organization; it belongs to everyone! It can be found among every group of Jews from every type of background, from Eilat in the south up to Keshet in the Golan Heights, from Meah Shearim to Gush Katif!

What is the Yeshiva's operating budget for Purim 5762?

More than $145,000!

How do you raise such huge sums of money?

It's not easy. Some donors contribute enthusiastically and persuade others to take part as well. Some contributors heard about tremendous yeshuos that previous contributors experienced soon after Purim last year and two years ago accounts were even published in the chareidi press. But in any case, it's not a simple matter.

You don't have one major contributor to sponsor the project?

No. Last year we had a budget of $98,000, which came from 320,000 different contributors!

Why don't commercial companies show an interest in sponsoring the project?

The project advisor, HaRav Aryeh Finkel, told us not to sell the zechus to commercial enterprises, but to reserve it for Jews who want to make a donation. We were given clear instructions not to accept money for Ovos Ubonim from any political or governmental organizations, to keep it pure through the generosity of individuals.

You don't think such enormous sums would be better used if they were used to support the needy?

HaRav Aryeh said, "You can't imagine how many sick people this will heal, how many car accidents this learning will prevent, how many people will remain healthy, how many people will find shidduchim and parnossoh because of it. It's better to prevent misfortune than to wait for it to strike."

In 5761, just a few days after Purim, a 130-lb. bomb was found in the streets of Meah Shearim, and through chasdei Hashem it was safely defused before it exploded. One of the leaders of the generation told one of his close supporters, "My heart tells me that the zechus of talmud Torah of tinokos shel beis rabban on Purim Day protected the local residents from harm."

Wow!! What an amazing story...Do you feel the prizes you hand out are appropriate for just one hour of study?

The Rabbinical Council of Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik determined that one hour of learning every Shabbos and particularly on Purim Day is worth more than any prize.

Just a moment. We are supposed to learn leshmoh, not for the sake of prizes, right?

First of all, the fathers do not receive prizes. And as far as the sons are concerned, Rav Aryeh Finkel said, `Someone who has an understanding of chinuch does not ask that question.' (See Iggeres HaGra and the Introduction to the Rambam) In one beis medrash they added a minute of learning without prizes before the dancing begins.

Thank you very much. It sounds really fabulous. Thank you for giving us some of your time.

Thank you, and happy Purim.

Medical Miracle

"When my daughter was two years old she ran out into the street and was hit by a truck," a voice said over the phone to one of the national directors of Ovos Ubonim. The caller was an avreich explaining why he wanted to open a new branch. "An ambulance brought her unconscious to the hospital where she was diagnosed with a skull fracture and a ruptured liver. The head of the Intensive Care Unit informed me that she was in very serious condition. I immediately began to consider what kind of kabboloh I could undertake and thought that it would be worthwhile to organize a chapter of Ovos Ubonim among the group of chassidim I belong to.

"All around me were strong lights and bright colors, but I saw only black. Have you ever been to the end of the world? I've been there--it's at the ICU. That's where the world ends! I closed my eyes and said, `Ribono Shel Olom! If little Rivkaleh gets out of this place healthy and well, I hereby volunteer myself for Ovos Ubonim.'

"About two weeks later the doctor told me that a medical miracle had taken place. The doctor marveled over the case saying, `It wasn't us who saved her--it came from Above.' And that doctor was quite arrogant. Whenever I called him `Doctor' rather than `Professor' he would correct me. It seems that the zechus of Torah learning overcame the truck wheels. Today little Rivkaleh is home, sweet as ever."

And thus another branch of Ovos Ubonim was opened.


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