Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

23 Iyar 5761 - May 16, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Beth Jacob Grammar School Delighted at OFSTED Praise
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

The Beth Jacob Grammar School for Girls received a strong endorsement from OFSTED, the Government's educational standards inspectorate, in a report issued recently. The school was strongly praised by OFSTED for its quality of education, its examination results and for its care for the personal and spiritual development of its pupils.

Beth Jacob is an independent school established in 1980. It caters to orthodox Jewish girls aged between 11-17. There are 303 pupils. The school is based in Hendon in purpose- built accommodation into which it moved in 1998. The school was subject to an OFSTED inspection on the basis of the 1996 Education Act where its role is to advise the Secretary of State on the school's suitability to be registered so that publicly funded pupils can attend.

As an independent school, Beth Jacob is not subject to the OFSTED requirements but underwent an inspection due to the part financing by Barnet Council of three special need pupils. This was the first OFSTED inspection of Beth Jacob.

The report said, in part: "Beth Jacob Grammar School for Girls is an effective school which provides a good education for its pupils and achieves very good results in public examinations. It is a school which shows considerable care for its pupils and is concerned that they should have good religious and moral understanding; in this it is very successful."

The report highlights the school's performance in examination results that are well above the national averages at GCSE and AVAS levels respectively. It also praises the behavior and the attitudes to learning held by the pupils, and its survey of the attitudes of parents illustrates a high level of confidence in, and satisfaction with, the school and its leadership.

Headteacher Mrs. Devorah Steinberg said: "We are delighted to have received such a positive report from OFSTED. We are very pleased that they have strongly endorsed so many aspects of the school. Credit must go to our excellent teaching staff who motivate and inspire our pupils and also to the pupils themselves whose positive and enthusiastic attitudes make teaching them so rewarding.

"We are deeply grateful to the parents who participated in the inspectors' survey and for their positive comments about the school and its staff. Their strong support for their own children's education as well as their involvement with the school is the foundation for the success of the school and it is reflected in the OFSTED report.

"The school is also very grateful to its Governing Board for their total dedication to achieving high standards for the school and to the wider community it serves which continues to place such a high value and prestige on the role of education in general and our school in particular."

Chair of the governing body, Mr. Benzion Freshwater said: "I am very proud of the school's excellent report from OFSTED. This magnificent achievement is a great reflection on the quality and hard work of Mrs. Steinberg and the teaching staff as well as the efforts of the pupils and their parents who are strong supportive and involved with the school.

"The school's performance has been shown to be outstanding. It achieves results that place the school well above the national average as well as devoting so much time to its Jewish studies. It provides a stimulating and interesting environment for the pupils as well as creating an environment that provides for the highest standards of personal and moral development.

"The school will continue to achieve high standards and to be a continued source of pride for the whole community."

For further information contact: Mrs. Devorah Steinberg Headteacher, 020 8203 4322.


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