Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

1 Adar 5759 - Feb 17, 1999 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly

















Home and Family
A Speck on the Map: Korestin
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

We all know the actual geographic size of Mir, Radin, Brisk - not more than a speck on the map, but in spiritual Torah value, they were definitely gigantic.

We'd like to get you acquainted with another speck town, this one in North Ukraine: Korestin. It is also small in gashmiyus but huge in ruchniyus -- and still growing.

First Steps: Rejuvenation

Six years ago, a dedicated couple, Rabbi and Mrs. Aron Berger, left Israel and settled in Korestin to reach out to the Jews there. The old timers who still had hazy recollections of what a rich Jewish life was all about and the youth who yearned to rediscover their real identity, were very eager to absorb what Rabbi and Mrs. Berger had to offer them.

Soon there were three devoted couples who reestablished regular 3-times-a-day minyonim and opened up Yeshivas Shearis Yisroel, named after the famous tzaddik of nearby Vilednik, where over 25 bochurim benefit from a well planned curriculum of Jewish and general subjects. The yeshiva also has a well stocked library that enables each student to explore our rich heritage at his own pace.

The next achievement was adding a Sunday school, a success story of its own. Dozens of children who still attend public school during the week meet regularly on Sundays and during their free time to daven together, sing together and experience their first steps in Yiddishkeit. From there it is a natural step to visit the annual summer camp, where children of all ages spend a fun<196>filled summer. The program includes trips and activities, which enable them to heighten their commitment to Judaism.

For the benefit of the growing community as well as the neighboring town, they established a mikveh with all the hiddurim. For the elderly and destitute, the kosher kitchen serves 150 warm meals every day, for some very old needy souls, the dedicated staff even delivers the meager meal home to them, thus serving as the only lifeline connecting them to their Jewish brethren.

Torah-true Jews

There's the boy who told his story: "Four months ago, I didn't even know what Torah or Judaism was." Now he proudly shows us his strands of tzitzis and whispers that he has bravely undergone circumcision and was even given a pair of tefillin and a siddur with a festive meal to commemorate the important occasion.

It often happens that at these festive gatherings, the opportunity arises to give chuppah vekiddushin to these boys' parents, bringing back the entire family into the fold, all through the never ending tremendous effort of the shelichim of "Shearis Yisroel - Korestin."


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