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2 Tammuz 5759 - June 16, 1999 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Call By Maranan Verabonon To Sanctify Shabbos in Petach Tikvah; Local Rabbis Rally for Shabbos

by S. Baruchi and Yated Ne'eman staff

Last week's call by maranan verabonon to strengthen Shabbos observance in Petach Tikvah was circulated in all Petach Tikvah synagogues this past Shabbos as well as to the thousands of the city's Torah-observant Jews.

A proclamation entitled, Kri'oh Ne'emonoh lemaan Shabbos Kodesh, calling upon Petach Tikvah residents to fortify the walls of Shabbos in their city was issued last week by the Chief Rabbi of Petach Tikvah, HaRav Boruch Shimon Solomon. Other signatories to the proclamation were are Maran HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv, HaRav Yehuda Leib Steinman, HaRav Simcha Zissel Broide and HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner. The proclamation entreats all residents of Petach Tikvah and its environs not to patronize stores in the Yarkonim junction mall that desecrate Shabbos.

The proclamation reads: "Recently, the wall of Shabbos has been breached in a most serious manner by the opening of the [stores in] a large commercial center in the city on Shabbos. Such [a course of action] poses a great threat to the image and character of the day of rest and kedusha in a major city, founded al taharas hakodesh.

"We are bidden to do all in our power to forestall and thwart the evil decree. Therefore, we direct and entreat all residents of Petach Tikvah not to patronize these stores throughout the entire week, until these stores discontinue their errant behavior and close the gates of their stores on Shabbos kodesh.

"Chazal's exhortation that we not patronize a store owner who breaches prevalent price rates until he lowers the rate in an equitable manner is surely even more applicable in respect to the breach of the gates of Yiddishkeit and Shabbos kodesh."

The call closes with the blessing that by fortifying the sanctity of the Shabbos we will merit abundant brocho, since Shabbos is the source of brocho.

The call of maranan verabonon was accompanied by an unprecedented emergency meeting held in Petach Tikvah's Mishkan Yosef hall. Approximately 150 municipal rabbis, neighborhood rabbis, and other official rabbis from the Dan and Sharon regions participated in the meeting as an expression of protest over the distressing breach in the walls of Shabbos there. Out of fear that this phenomenon is liable to spread throughout the country, the purpose of the meeting was to devise plans to curtail the ever-increasing trend of turning Shabbos kodesh into a weekday. This trend is unfortunately expected to gain impetus in light of the rise of the Leftist government.

The meeting opened with the recitation of chapters of Tehillim for the deliverance of Klal Yisroel, led by the admor of Petach Tikvah. Stirring speeches decrying the terrible deterioration in Shabbos observance in our times were delivered by HaRav Y. Nagar of Hod Hasharon, HaRav Y. Edelstein of Ramat Hasharon, HaRav Yitzchok Peretz of Raanana , HaRav S. Unsdorfer, and HaRav Stern of Elkana. Closing remarks were delivered by HaRav Boruch Shimon Solomon.

At the end of the rally, decisions regarding forthcoming measures and modes of action were made.

Throughout the day, circulars containing the call of the moro d'asro to boycott stores which open on Shabbos were distributed to residents of the city.

HaRav Boruch Shimon Solomon, along with the other rabbonim of Petach Tikvah, visited the shopping mall at the Yarkonim junction a week ago, in order to inform shoppers of the Shabbos desecration taking place there. Since that visit, many of the stores' regular clientele have announced that they would stop patronizing these stores in protest of the Shabbos desecration.

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